Slings / Sling Hardware > Magpul MS4 Multi-Mission Dual QD Sling Ge n2

Magpul MS4 Multi-Mission Dual QD Sling Ge n2

Magpul MS4 Multi-Mission Dual QD Sling Ge n2


Filling the same mission requirement as the standard MS3 Sling, the MS4 can quickly switch between one-point and two-point configuration. The MS4 maintains material construction and specifications identical to that of the standard MS3, but features two heavy-duty push-button QD sling swivels rather than the Magpul Paraclip�. This modification allows compatibility with QD sling cups commonly found on lower receivers, receiver end plates, buttstocks, and many low-profile forward QD Sling mounts, including the Magpul RSA-QD. Made in U.S.A.