Targets / Range Equipment
Targets / Range Equipment > Action Target Static Steel Practice Target

Action Target Static Steel Practice Target

Action Target Static Steel Practice Target
Target Head:
1x2 Paper Holder:
Which Steel:


* Some products may require up to 2 weeks for shipping.

A portable and durable armor steel target for everyone who loves shooting! The Static Steel Practice Target is the best thing to happen to shooting in a very long time.

The portable stand folds to less than 3 feet long in just seconds, so it easily fits in the trunk of even the smallest car. The target head is made of AR500 armor steel so you can shoot it with anything from .22 rimfire to .44 magnum with no damage at all. Our "heavy duty" version is also built to take appropriate rifle rounds* with no damage.

The beauty of a steel target is that you don't have to waste time changing paper or putting out new tin cans. The head of the Static Steel Target will "bounce" a little when you hit it, so you get instant positive feedback.

The 1x2 Holder Option allows you to switch your steel target head for a simple clamp that holds two 1" x 2" wooden strips, allowing you to staple or clamp paper and cardboard targets to the 1x2's.

*Appropriate rifle rounds are rounds with a velocity of less than 3000 fps - Do not shoot at steel targets with rifle rounds at distances less than 100 yards.